




その他にも、You Tubeで見つけた無料問題のリンクも紹介しますので是非、役立ててください。


これが解けたら800点レベル!TOEIC Part3 練習問題45問





練習問題動画01 45問


Question 1~3

W: Good afternoon, this is AirGlobe Airlines. How can I assist you today?

M: Hi, I need to change my flight reservation. I was originally scheduled to fly from New York to Los Angeles on the 15th, but I need to move the flight to the 16th. I have a friend’s wedding party to attend on the 15th.

W: Certainly. I can help you with that. I see that we have availability on the 16th, but only in business class. Would you like to upgrade your seat?

M: Yes, I would prefer that. How much will the upgrade cost?

W: The upgrade will be $150. Would you like me to proceed with the change?

M: Yes, please go ahead.

number1: Why does the man call AirGlobe Airlines?

A) To cancel his flight reservation B) To upgrade his seat to business class C) To inquire about baggage policies D) To change the date of his flight

number2: What does the man plan to do on the original flight date?

A) Travel to Los Angeles B) Attend a friend’s wedding party C) Visit New York D) Upgrade his seat

number3: What does the man imply when he says, “Yes, please go ahead”?

A) He wants to cancel the upgrade B) He is confirming his decision to change the flight C) He is unsure about the cost D) He wants to delay the change



  1. Why does the man call AirGlobe Airlines?
    • 男性は、もともとの15日のフライトを16日に変更したい(“I need to move the flight to the 16th.”)と言っているので、正解は「D) フライトの日付を変更するため」です。
  2. What does the man plan to do on the original flight date?
    • 男性は、もともと15日に飛行機に乗る予定でしたが、友人の結婚式に出席する必要がある(“I have a friend’s wedding party to attend on the 15th.”)と言っています。したがって、正解は「B) 友人の結婚式に出席する」です。
  3. What does the man imply when he says, “Yes, please go ahead”?
    • 男性は「アップグレードの手続きを進めてください」(“Yes, please go ahead.”)と言っているので、正解は「B) フライトの変更を確認している」です。


Question 4~6

W: Hi, I’d like to return this pair of hiking boots. They’re too tight, and I’d like to exchange them for a larger size, if possible.

M: No problem. Do you have your receipt with you?

W: Yes, here it is. I bought them just last week.

M: Great! We can do the exchange for the larger size right now. Let me just check our inventory to make sure we have your size in stock.

W: Thanks! While I’m here, I also need a new water bottle. Do you have any in stock?

number4: What does the woman want to do?
A) Request a refund for an item
B) Exchange an item for a different size
C) Purchase a new item at a discount
D) Ask for a product recommendation

number5: What does the man ask the woman for?
A) Her name
B) Her e-mail address
C) Her receipt
D) Her phone number

number6: What service does the man offer?
A) To hold the woman’s item until she decides
B) To check the inventory for the woman’s size
C) To reserve an item for a future purchase
D) To provide a delivery option for the item



  1. What does the woman want to do?
    • 女性は「サイズが小さいので、より大きいサイズと交換したい」(“I’d like to exchange them for a larger size.”)と言っているので、正解は「B) 商品を違うサイズに交換する」です。
  2. What does the man ask the woman for?
    • 男性は「レシートを持っているか尋ねている」(“Do you have your receipt with you?”)ので、正解は「C) レシート」です。
  3. What service does the man offer?
    • 男性は「在庫を確認するためにインベントリをチェックする」(“Let me just check our inventory to make sure we have your size in stock.”)と言っているので、正解は「B) 女性のサイズがあるかどうか在庫を確認する」です。


Question 7~9

W: Hey, have you thought about going to a jazz concert next month?

M: That sounds great! But it needs to be after we finish work.

W: Right. We won’t be able to go unless it starts after 7 PM.

M: I’ve got the schedule here. One of the concerts is in the afternoon, so that’s not an option.

W: Yeah, we’ll need something in the evening. What do you think about inviting some of our colleagues?

M: That’s a great idea. I’ll ask around tomorrow and see who’s interested.

Jazz Concert Schedule
March 32:00 PMHall A
March 108:00 PMHall B
March 246:30 PMHall C

number7: Look at the graphic. Which concert will the speakers likely attend?
A) March 3
B) March 10
C) March 24
D) March 12

number8: What is the likely relationship between the two speakers?
A) Colleagues
B) Siblings
C) Neighbors
D) Friends

number9: What does the woman suggest?
A) Asking their colleagues to join
B) Booking tickets for the concert
C) Changing the concert venue
D) Rescheduling the concert date



  1. Which concert will the speakers likely attend?
    • 二人は「7時以降に始まるコンサートしか行けない」(“We won’t be able to go unless it starts after 7 PM.”)と言っており、スケジュールによると8:00 PMに始まるのは3月10日(“March 10, 8:00 PM, Hall B”)です。したがって、正解は「B) March 10」です。
  2. What is the likely relationship between the two speakers?
    • 二人は「同僚を誘うことを提案している」(“What do you think about inviting some of our colleagues?”)ため、彼らは同僚関係である可能性が高いです。したがって、正解は「A) Colleagues」です。
  3. What does the woman suggest?
    • 女性は「同僚を誘うのはどうか」(“What do you think about inviting some of our colleagues?”)と提案しているので、正解は「A) 同僚を誘う」です。


Question 10~12

W: Good morning, Mr. Tanaka. I’m calling about your home loan application. We need a couple more documents before we can move forward with the process.

M: I see. What exactly do you need from me?

W: We need a recent employment statement and your tax returns for the last two years. The ones we have on file are outdated.

M: Okay, I’ll send those later today. How long will it take once you have them?

W: It should take about a week to complete the final review after we receive everything.

number10: What is the main purpose of the conversation?
A) To inform the man of loan approval
B) To request additional documents
C) To discuss loan interest rates
D) To notify the man of a payment deadline

number11: What does the woman mean when she says, “We need a couple more documents”?
A) The man’s loan has been approved.
B) The man submitted incomplete documents.
C) The man needs to reapply for the loan.
D) The bank is missing the man’s payment information.

number12: What does the woman suggest the man do?
A) Contact his employer
B) Send additional documents
C) Wait for a final decision
D) Reapply for the loan



  1. What is the main purpose of the conversation?
    • 女性は「さらにいくつかの書類が必要だ」(“We need a couple more documents.”)と言っており、主な目的は追加の書類を求めることです。したがって、正解は「B) 追加書類を要求するため」です。
  2. What does the woman mean when she says, “We need a couple more documents”?
    • 女性が言っているのは、男性が提出した書類が不完全で、より新しいものが必要だということです(“The ones we have on file are outdated.”)。したがって、正解は「B) 提出した書類が不完全だった」です。
  3. What does the woman suggest the man do?
    • 女性は男性に「最近の雇用証明書と過去2年分の税金申告書を送ってほしい」と伝えているので、正解は「B) 追加の書類を送ること」です。


Question 13~15

M: Hello, I’m interested in booking a boat tour for next weekend. Can you tell me what time the tours start?

W: Sure! Our tours run every day, starting at 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 4:00 PM. Would you like to reserve a spot?

M: Yes, but I’m also wondering if there have been any changes to the schedule because of the weather.

W: Actually, there has been one change. Due to some expected rain in the morning, the 10:00 AM tour on Saturday has been canceled.

M: I see. In that case, I’ll book the early afternoon tour instead. Thank you for letting me know!

number13: What is the purpose of the man’s call?
(A) To ask about a new tour location
(B) To inquire about available boat tours
(C) To request a refund
(D) To ask about weather conditions

number14: What change does the woman mention?
(A) A new boat has been added to the fleet
(B) The morning tour on Saturday has been canceled
(C) The price of the tour has been reduced
(D) The tour duration has been extended

number15: What solution does the man agree to?
(A) To reschedule the tour for later in the evening
(B) To cancel the booking
(C) To take the afternoon tour
(D) To switch to a different type of tour



  1. What is the purpose of the man’s call?
    • 男性は「ボートツアーの予約に興味がある」と言っており(“I’m interested in booking a boat tour”)、ツアーの時間について尋ねています。したがって、正解は「B) ボートツアーについて問い合わせるため」です。
  2. What change does the woman mention?
    • 女性は「土曜日の午前10時のツアーは雨の予報でキャンセルされた」(“the 10:00 AM tour on Saturday has been canceled due to some expected rain”)と言っています。したがって、正解は「B) 土曜日の午前のツアーがキャンセルされた」です。
  3. What solution does the man agree to?
    • 男性は「午後のツアーを予約する」と言っているので(“In that case, I’ll book the early afternoon tour instead.”)、正解は「C) 午後のツアーに参加することに同意する」です。


Question 16~18

W: Hi, David. I wanted to discuss the interviews for the new marketing manager position. We need to finalize the schedule.

M: Sure. How many candidates are we expecting?

W: We have five so far. But two of them are still unsure about their availability. I’m waiting for them to confirm.

M: OK. Let’s move forward with the three confirmed candidates. Could we start the interviews on Tuesday?

W: That works for me. I’ll make the arrangements and send you the final schedule by the end of the day.

number16: What is the purpose of the woman’s call?
(A) To discuss marketing strategies
(B) To schedule interviews
(C) To review job applications
(D) To hire a new employee

number17: What does the man mean when he says, “Let’s move forward with the three confirmed candidates”?
(A) He wants to interview all the applicants.
(B) He prefers to wait for all candidates to confirm.
(C) He is ready to proceed with the available candidates.
(D) He suggests delaying the interviews.

number18: What will the woman do next?
(A) Contact the remaining candidates
(B) Finalize the interview schedule
(C) Postpone the interviews
(D) Cancel the applications



  1. What is the purpose of the woman’s call?
  • 女性は「新しいマーケティングマネージャーの面接スケジュールを最終決定したい」と言っているため(“We need to finalize the schedule.”)、正解は「B) 面接のスケジュールを決めるため」です。
  1. What does the man mean when he says, “Let’s move forward with the three confirmed candidates”?
  • 男性は「確認済みの3人の候補者で進めよう」と言っており、他の候補者の確認を待たずに進行する準備ができていることを意味しています。したがって、正解は「C) 確認済みの候補者で進める準備ができている」です。
  1. What will the woman do next?
  • 女性は「面接の手配をして最終的なスケジュールを送る」と言っているため(“I’ll make the arrangements and send you the final schedule”)、正解は「B) 面接スケジュールを最終決定する」です。


Question 19~21

W: Hi, I’m looking for a book, The Art of Negotiation. Do you have it in stock?

M: Let me check our inventory… Yes, we have a few copies left. Would you like to purchase one?

W: Yes, please. Also, I heard about your membership program. Could you tell me more about it?

M: Certainly. Our membership offers a 10% discount on all purchases and early access to special book events. It costs $20 per year.

W: That sounds good. I’ll sign up for the membership as well.

number19: Where does the man most likely work?
(A) At a library
(B) At a bookstore
(C) At a publishing company
(D) At a coffee shop

number20: What benefits does the membership offer?
(A) Free home delivery
(B) Discount on purchases
(C) Extended return policy
(D) Exclusive author interviews

number21: What will the woman do next?
(A) Sign up for the membership program
(B) Return a book
(C) Reserve a book for later
(D) Attend a book event



  1. Where does the man most likely work?
  • 男性は「本の在庫を確認し、販売を提案している」(“Let me check our inventory… Yes, we have a few copies left. Would you like to purchase one?”)ため、本屋に勤務している可能性が高いです。したがって、正解は「B) 書店」です。
  1. What benefits does the membership offer?
  • 男性は「メンバーシップで全購入に10%の割引と、特別な本のイベントへの早期アクセスが得られる」と説明しています(“Our membership offers a 10% discount on all purchases and early access to special book events.”)。したがって、正解は「B) 購入時の割引」です。
  1. What will the woman do next?
  • 女性は「メンバーシップにサインアップする」(“I’ll sign up for the membership as well.”)と言っているため、正解は「A) メンバーシッププログラムにサインアップする」です。


Question 22~24

W: Hi, I’d like to place an order for business cards. I just started my own company and need some cards to start with.

M: Sure, we can do that. Do you already have a design, or would you like us to create one for you?

W: I’ve got a design ready, but I’d like to make sure the colors come out just right.

M: No problem. You can send us the design file, and we’ll match the colors as closely as possible.

W: Great. I’ll go with 200 cards for now.

M: Understood. You can still update the quantity until the printing process starts.


number22: What did the woman recently do?
A) Started her own company.
B) Ordered new business cards.
C) Created a new design.
D) Purchased color printing services.

number23: What is the woman concerned about?
A) The delivery time of the cards.
B) The quality of the colors.
C) The layout of the design.
D) The paper type.

number24: Look at the graphic. What is the cost for the woman’s order?
A) $80
B) $90
C) $100
D) $110



  1. What did the woman recently do?
  • 女性は「新しい会社を始めたばかり」(“I just started my own company.”)と言っているため、正解は「A) 自分の会社を始めた」です。
  1. What is the woman concerned about?
  • 女性は「色の仕上がりを確認したい」と言っており、色の品質について懸念している(“I’d like to make sure the colors come out just right.”)ため、正解は「B) 色の品質」です。
  1. What is the cost for the woman’s order?
  • 彼女は200枚の名刺を注文しており、グラフィックでは200枚の価格が$90となっているため、正解は「B) $90」です。


Question 25~27

W: Hi, I reviewed the latest prototype for the new smartwatch. The design looks sleek, but the screen brightness could be an issue for outdoor use. It’s not as visible in direct sunlight.

M: That’s good feedback. We’ll need to make adjustments to the display settings. Have you checked the new strap material?

W: Yes, I did. It feels more flexible than the previous version, which should improve comfort for users.

M: Great. Let’s bring this up in tomorrow’s meeting and see if we can finalize these changes.

number25: What is the woman’s concern about the smartwatch?
(A) The screen size
(B) The display visibility
(C) The weight of the product
(D) The battery life

number26: What does the man imply when he says, “That’s good feedback”?
(A) He disagrees with the woman’s suggestion.
(B) He is surprised by the issue.
(C) He appreciates the input.
(D) He plans to replace the screen.

number27: What will the speakers likely do next?
(A) Contact the manufacturing team
(B) Test a new version of the product
(C) Discuss the changes in a meeting
(D) Present the design to customers



  1. What is the woman’s concern about the smartwatch?
  • 女性は「画面の明るさが屋外での使用に問題があるかもしれない」(“The screen brightness could be an issue for outdoor use.”)と言っているため、正解は「B) 画面の視認性」です。
  1. What does the man imply when he says, “That’s good feedback”?
  • 男性は女性のフィードバックを「良いフィードバック」と称賛しており、女性の意見を感謝していることを意味します。したがって、正解は「C) 彼は意見を感謝している」です。
  1. What will the speakers likely do next?
  • 男性は「明日の会議でこれを話し合おう」と言っているため(“Let’s bring this up in tomorrow’s meeting.”)、正解は「C) 会議で変更点について話し合う」です。


Question 28~30

M: Hi, I’m calling because my water bill was unusually high this month, and I’d like to request a reduction. We’ve had some repairs done, so I’m not sure if that affected the usage.

W: I see. Let me check your account… Yes, it looks like there was a spike in usage last month. Could you explain what kind of repairs were made?

M: We had a leak in one of the pipes, which caused more water to be used than usual. The plumber fixed it last week.

W: That makes sense. I’ll submit a request to adjust your bill based on this information, and you should receive a response within a few days.

number28: Why is the man calling?
(A) To set up a new account
(B) To report a water leak
(C) To request a reduction in his bill
(D) To inquire about future repairs

number29: What issue caused the man’s high water usage?
(A) A faulty meter
(B) Incorrect billing
(C) A water leak
(D) High water pressure

number30: What does the woman mean when she says, “That makes sense”?
(A) She agrees to send a technician.
(B) She accepts the man’s explanation.
(C) She suggests checking the bill again.
(D) She refuses to reduce the bill.



  1. Why is the man calling?
  • 男性は「水道料金が異常に高かったため、減額をお願いしたい」(“I’d like to request a reduction.”)と言っているので、正解は「C) 請求書の減額を依頼するため」です。
  1. What issue caused the man’s high water usage?
  • 男性は「パイプに漏れがあり、通常より多くの水が使われた」(“We had a leak in one of the pipes.”)と説明しているため、正解は「C) 水漏れ」です。
  1. What does the woman mean when she says, “That makes sense”?
  • 女性は「それで納得できる」(“That makes sense.”)と言っており、男性の説明を受け入れたことを示しています。したがって、正解は「B) 彼女は男性の説明を受け入れた」です。


Question 31~33


W1: Hi, Alex. We wanted to ask about placing a new business card order for our startup. Could you help us with that?

M: Sure, Kate. I’ll need some details first. What design and how many cards are you thinking of ordering?

W1:What do you think, Kate?

W2: We’d like to keep the same design as our last order but increase the quantity to 500 cards this time.

M: Got it. I’ll also double-check the paper quality we used last time. If you’re happy with that, I can place the order right away.

W1: That sounds good. Please go ahead with the order. Thanks, Alex!

number31: What action does the man mention?
(A) Updating the card design
(B) Changing the company logo
(C) Checking the paper quality
(D) Ordering fewer cards

number32: What solution does Kate propose for the new business cards?
(A) Using a new design
(B) Increasing the quantity
(C) Reducing the cost
(D) Changing the paper material

number33: What will the man likely do next?
(A) Confirm the design with the team
(B) Place the business card order
(C) Suggest a new paper type
(D) Send a payment reminder



  1. What action does the man mention?
  • 男性は「前回使用した紙の品質を確認する」と言っており(“I’ll also double-check the paper quality we used last time.”)、正解は「C) 紙の品質を確認する」です。
  1. What solution does Kate propose for the new business cards?
  • ケイトは「前回のデザインを維持し、枚数を500枚に増やしたい」と提案しています(“increase the quantity to 500 cards this time.”)ので、正解は「B) 枚数を増やす」です。
  1. What will the man likely do next?
  • ケイトが「注文を進めてください」と言っているので(“Please go ahead with the order.”)、男性は「B) 名刺の注文をする」でしょう。


Question 34~36

W: Hi, I’m calling from Jenson Corporation. We’d like to make some changes to our catering order for next week’s conference. Is that possible?

M: Sure, I can help with that. What changes would you like to make?

W: We’d like to increase the number of vegetarian meals from 50 to 75, and we also need to add an extra dessert option.

M: No problem. I’ll update your order to include the additional meals and desserts. Anything else you need?

W: That’s all for now. Thanks for your help!

number34: Why does the woman call the man?
(A) To book a new service
(B) To change a catering order
(C) To cancel an event
(D) To inquire about a delivery

number35: What service is being requested?
(A) Adding more desserts
(B) Changing the event date
(C) Reducing the number of meals
(D) Switching to a different venue

number36: What information does the woman provide?
(A) A new contact number
(B) A request for a discount
(C) The number of vegetarian meals
(D) A list of event locations



  1. Why does the woman call the man?
  • 女性は「ケータリングの注文内容を変更したい」(“We’d like to make some changes to our catering order.”)と言っているため、正解は「B) ケータリング注文の変更」です。
  1. What service is being requested?
  • 女性は「ベジタリアンの食事の数を増やし、デザートのオプションを追加したい」(“increase the number of vegetarian meals” and “add an extra dessert option.”)と言っているので、正解は「A) デザートを追加する」です。
  1. What information does the woman provide?
  • 女性は「ベジタリアン食を50から75に増やす」(“increase the number of vegetarian meals from 50 to 75.”)と言っているため、正解は「C) ベジタリアン食の数」です。


Question 37~39

M: Hey, Sarah. Do you remember what time our train to Greenfield leaves today?

W: Yes, it’s at 11:30 A.M. We should check the platform number once we get to the station.

M: Right, but it looks like it’s starting to rain. Should we take a taxi instead of walking?

W: That sounds like a good idea. We’ll get there faster and stay dry.

M: Great. Let’s call a taxi now, then.

number37: Where most likely are the speakers?
(A) At a restaurant
(B) At a bus stop
(C) At a train station
(D) On the way to the station

number38: What does the man suggest?
(A) Leaving earlier
(B) Taking a taxi
(C) Buying a train ticket
(D) Walking to the station

number39: What will the speakers do next?
(A) Call a taxi
(B) Buy an umbrella
(C) Check the train schedule
(D) Cancel their plans



  1. Where most likely are the speakers?
  • 二人は「駅に着いたらプラットフォーム番号を確認しよう」(“We should check the platform number once we get to the station.”)と話しているので、現在駅に向かっている途中であると推測されます。したがって、正解は「D) 駅に向かっている途中」です。
  1. What does the man suggest?
  • 男性は雨が降ってきたため、「歩く代わりにタクシーに乗ろうか」(“Should we take a taxi instead of walking?”)と提案しています。したがって、正解は「B) タクシーを使うことを提案する」です。
  1. What will the speakers do next?
  • 二人は「タクシーを呼ぼう」(“Let’s call a taxi now.”)と言っているので、次にする行動はタクシーを呼ぶことです。したがって、正解は「A) タクシーを呼ぶ」です。


Question 40~42

W: Hi, John. How did you find the training session this morning?

M: It was quite useful. I particularly liked the part about improving communication with clients.

W: I’m glad to hear that. We’re always looking for ways to enhance our sessions. Do you have any suggestions for the next one?

M: Well, I think more hands-on activities would be helpful. It would allow us to practice what we learn in real-time.

W: That’s great feedback. I’ll make sure to write down your suggestions and discuss them with the team.

number40: What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) A new marketing strategy
(B) Feedback on a training session
(C) Client complaints
(D) An upcoming presentation

number41: What is the man most likely to be?
(A) A client representative
(B) A project manager
(C) A customer service agent
(D) An employee attending training

number42: What will the woman most likely do next?
(A) Write down the man’s feedback
(B) Cancel the next training session
(C) Send an email to the clients
(D) Organize another training session



  1. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
  • 二人はトレーニングセッションについて話しており、特にフィードバックを求めているので、正解は「B) トレーニングセッションに関するフィードバック」です。
  1. What is the man most likely to be?
  • 男性はトレーニングに参加した感想を述べているので、正解は「D) トレーニングを受けている社員」です。
  1. What will the woman most likely do next?
  • 女性は「フィードバックをメモしてチームと話し合う」と言っているので、正解は「A) 男性のフィードバックを書き留める」です。


Question 43~45

W: Hi, I’m looking for a birthday present for my sister. She loves elegant dresses, but I’m having trouble deciding which one to choose. Could you help me out?

M: Of course. We have some new arrivals that might interest you.

W: That sounds good. Do you have any items on sale?

M: Yes, the beige dress is currently discounted.

W: I’ll go with that one, then. But could you tell me about your membership benefits?

M: Sure, if you sign up today, you’ll get 10% off any additional items you buy.

W: That’s great! I might pick up another dress, then.

Navy Dress$100
Beige Dress$85
Maroon Dress$120
Grey Dress$95

number43: What is the woman trying to do?
(A) Buy a dress for herself.
(B) Return a dress.
(C) Pick out a gift for her sibling.
(D) Ask about store policies.

number44: Look at the graphic. What is the price of the item the woman chooses?
(A) $100
(B) $85
(C) $120
(D) $95

number45: What is offered with the membership?
(A) A discount on additional purchases.
(B) Free shipping on all orders.
(C) A reduction on future purchases.
(D) A free dress on her next visit.



  1. What is the woman trying to do?
  • 女性は「姉妹への誕生日プレゼントとしてドレスを選んでいる」(“I’m looking for a birthday present for my sister.”)と言っているので、正解は「C) 兄弟・姉妹のためにギフトを選ぶ」です。
  1. What is the price of the item the woman chooses?
  • 女性は「ベージュのドレスを選んでいる」(“I’ll go with that one.”)と言っており、グラフィックによるとその価格は$85です。したがって、正解は「B) $85」です。
  1. What is offered with the membership?
  • 男性は「メンバーシップに加入すれば、追加のアイテムが10%オフになる」(“you’ll get 10% off any additional items you buy.”)と言っているので、正解は「A) 追加購入に対する割引」です。


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